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Nationwide Alert Day definition

What is the Nationwide Alert Day?

The Nationwide Alert Day is a joint action day of the Federal Government and the Länder taking place since 2020. It is to be conducted annually on every second Thursday in September with the participation of the municipalities.

The Nationwide Alert Day is intended to inform the people in Germany and to make them familiar with the topic of warning of the population. In this context, emphasis is on the following aspects:

  • What do we warn about?
  • How do we warn you?
  • Who issues the warnings?
  • What is it you can do?

The test alert on the Nationwide Alert Day tests the various warning devices and warning procedures in practice with the aim of

  • Identifying possible technical weak points in the function of the warning devices and in the warning procedures and
  • Remedying any weak points subsequently, thus continually improving the warning of the population.