In the media library, you will find publications and illustrations created during the project on warning-relevant hazard situations and the warning of the population for download, as well as audio files of siren signals and films on the topic of the warning of the population. Please observe our terms of use.

Results of the survey on the Nationwide Alert Day 2022
The present report of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance on the second Nationwide Alert Day of 8 December 2022 mainly focuses on the findings gathered from the online survey of the population on the Nationwide Alert Day 2022

Guidelines for a common warning concept of the Federal Government and the Länder
The guidelines serve as a guidance for warning authorities and organisations and as a basis for a common warning concept of the Federal Government and the Länder, which is intended to improve the effectiveness of warning messages.

Warning needs and warning response – foundations and recommendations for warning messages
This manual provides experts in warning authorities with insights from the field of socio-scientific warning research. The research results have been included in 21 practice-oriented recommendations for the preparation of warning messages. Thus, the insights can contribute to local warning and warning messages can become more effective.

Warning via digital city information boards
Report on the social science evaluation of test warnings on digital city information boards in Mannheim
The objective of this social science evaluation of test warnings on digital city information boards in Mannheim was to answer the question whether or to what extent existing digital city information boards can be used as new warning devices.

Warning via smart street lights – Testing of an acoustic warning device with voice output in Kaiserslautern (part 1)
Objective of the pilot project:
Provision of existing street lights with warning technology and assessment of the efficiency and the warning effectiveness by means of a social science and technical evaluation.

MALUmat – Knowing what is happening | Participation project – Concept for local participation
MALUmat – wissen, was passiert (“MALUmat – Knowing what is happening”) – Participation project – Concept for local participation
In cooperation with the cities of Mannheim and Ludwigshafen, we conducted the participation project MALUmat – wissen, was passiert as an example in order to identify the needs and resources of the Turkish-speaking population with regard to warning. The results of the project as well as recommendations for target group-related warning are provided in three publications for subject-matter experts.