What means Galileo Emergency Warning Service?
Galileo is a European satellite navigation system that includes a large number of state-of-the-art positioning, navigation and timing services. With Galileo, the European Commission offers civil defence and disaster control authorities of EU member states a service for the mobile communication-independent transmission and output of warning messages to mobile terminals, the Galileo Emergency Warning Satellite Service (GEWSS).
We have contributed to the service’s demonstration phase with our own expertise in the field of public warning. This phase established the conceptual foundation for Galileo EWSS. Furthermore, we took part in the final workshop in Brussels in April 2024 providing relevant feedback and ideas for further improvement.
GEWSS is a warning service with high potential. It is especially suited as a complementary channel for alert dissemination fort he purpose of further hardening existing capacities in Germany. In order to fully integrate and make use oft he service within the German System centered around MoWaS, however, additional steps have to be accomplished.
That is what we are still planning to do
The European Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has offered EU Member States a free-of-charge testing phase of GEWSS. We will use this opportunity for further testings together with the Federal States and their emergency coordination centers. We will conduct a workshop as well as several training exercises. The feedback gathered therein will go directly to EUSPA in order for us to keep supporting the ongoing development of GEWSS and to further prepare its usage by Germany authorities.