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The Federal Government/Länder ISF project “Warning of the Population”

The ISF project

  • The overarching objective of the project: Warn and inform people in Germany even better and more effectively in case of hazards and in crises.
  • The Federal Government and the Länder develop and implement ideas together.
  • The project is supported by the fund for internal security (Internal Security Fund) of the European Union.
  • Financial volume: approximately EUR 19 million (75% financed by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund, 25% financed by the Federal Government and the Länder)
  • Duration: October 2016 to presumably end of 2025
  • The project team belongs to the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe, BBK).

Specific project objectives are:

  • Develop, identify and support technical solutions in order to be able to reach as many people as possible with warnings across the country.
  • Increase the perception and acceptance of warnings with consideration given to psychosocial aspects and take into account different information needs and self-help capabilities of different population groups when selecting warning devices.
  • Further develop the mix of warning devices: Identify further technical and social science options for effective warning and, in some cases, test them in pilot applications, by reviews of German, European and international warning systems as well as the development of technical concepts.
  • Make the findings and experience gained in the project available and usable to other EU member states.